报告题目:Microscopic theory of in-plane critical field in two-dimensional Ising superconducting systems
报告时间:2019年8月1 日 下午:3:50-4:50
报告地点:物理科技楼 101室
报告摘要: We study the in-plane critical field of two-dimensional Ising superconducting systems, and propose the microscopic theory for these systems with or without inversion symmetry. Within both systems, the in-plane critical fields show remarkable up-turn feature near the zero temperature limit and largely surpass the Pauli limit, which are protected by certain specific spin-orbital interaction polarizing the electron spin to the out-of-plane direction. The impurity scattering and Rashba spin orbital scattering both weaken the critical field but in qualitatively different manners, which have been treated on equal-footing in the microscopic framework. The microscopic theory is consistent with recent experimental results in Stanene and Pb superconducting ultra-thin films.