报告题目: Metallic states in twisted graphene bilayer
报告人:乔振华教授 中国科技大学
报告时间:2019年 10月 24 日 下午 15:00-16:00
报告地点:致远楼 301室
报告摘要: In this talk, I will briefly introduce our recent progress in exploring the electronic transport properties of a triangular network of topological conducting channels that can be materialized in marginally twisted bilayer graphene under a perpendicular electric field.
We will first show the current partition rules for a single network node, and then we show that the topological network exhibits metallic property, and near the charge neutrality point.
the transport depends on the orientation and geometry, resulting in quantized transport that is robust against weak disorder in nanoribbon geometries with sawtooth domain wall edges, while the finite size effect opens a gap for trident edged ribbons.
报告人简介:Zhenhua Qiao obtained his B.S. in 2005 from Shanxi University and his Ph. D in 2009 from University of Hong Kong. He did 4 years postdoc at the University of Texas at Austin.Then he joined the University of Science and Technology of China in 2013. Prof. Qiao focuses on mesoscopic electronic transport in low-dimensional systems and topological properties of materials. He has published about 59 papers, including Nature, Nature Nano, PRL, with an isi citation of >2800.